Article 1 (Purpose) These terms and conditions are intended to regulate the conditions, procedures, and other necessary matters for the use of the blockchain-based global integrated logistics distribution management service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by The ArmorBearer Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
Article 2 (Effect and Amendment of the Terms and Conditions) ① These terms and conditions shall take effect by notifying the members through the Service, email, or other means.
② The Company may amend the contents of these terms and conditions, and the amended terms and conditions shall take effect by announcing or notifying them in the same manner as in paragraph 1.
③ If a member does not agree to the newly established or amended terms and conditions, the member may request withdrawal. However, if the member continues to use the Service after the effective date of the newly established or amended terms and conditions, it shall be deemed that the member has agreed to the changes in the terms and conditions.
④ These terms and conditions shall also apply equally to the Service provided by the Company (
Article 3 (Supplementary Provisions) Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the provisions of the Telecommunications Basic Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and other relevant laws and regulations.
Article 4 (Definitions of Terms) The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows:
① Member: Refers to the person who has entered into a contract with the Company for the use of the Service.
② ID: Refers to the member's identification for the purpose of identifying the member and using the Service via the internet, primarily through email (e-mail). However, it may also be a combination of letters and numbers approved by the Company if deemed necessary for the use of the Service.
③ Password: Refers to the combination of letters and numbers selected by the member to protect their privacy in communication.
④ Termination: Refers to the expression of intent by the Company or the member to terminate the service agreement after using the Service.
Chapter 2 Service Usage Agreement
Article 5 (Establishment of Service Usage Agreement) ① When applying for service registration, by reading these terms and conditions and clicking the "Agree" button, it shall be deemed that the applicant agrees to these terms and conditions.
② The service usage agreement is established when the Company approves the application for service usage by the applicant.
Article 6 (Service Application) ① Service applicants can submit an application for service usage by filling out the designated application form through the service.
② All member information provided in the membership registration form shall be considered as actual data. Users who do not enter their real name or actual information may not receive legal protection and may be subject to restrictions on service usage.
③ Individuals under the age of 14 are not allowed to use the service.
④ The Company may verify the real name of a member through a specialized agency for identification purposes.
⑤ The Company may verify the business registration of a member through a specialized agency.
Article 7 (Approval of Service Application) ① The Company shall approve the service application in the order of receipt, unless there are special circumstances.
② The Company may restrict the approval of a service application or withhold approval until the reasons for restriction are resolved in the following cases:
1.Insufficient capacity of service-related facilities.
2.Technical malfunctions.
3.The applicant has previously lost membership qualification according to Article 9, Paragraph 3 of these terms and conditions.
4.False, omitted, or incorrect information in the registration details.
5.Other cases deemed necessary by the Company.
Article 8 (Change of Member ID) The Company may change a member's ID at its discretion or upon the member's request in the following cases:
① When the member's ID is registered as their phone number, resident registration number, or other information that may infringe upon the member's privacy.
② When the member's ID causes disgust or violates public morals.
③ When there are other reasonable grounds determined by the Company.
Article 9 (Termination and Restriction of Contract) ① If a member wishes to terminate the service usage agreement, they must submit a withdrawal request through the service or by electronic mail, and the Company has an obligation to process the withdrawal request promptly.
② When a member passes away, their membership qualification is terminated.
③ If a member violates the obligations of Article 20, the Company may terminate the service usage agreement or restrict and suspend the membership qualification without prior notice.
Article 10 (Procedure for Membership Qualification, Termination, Restriction, and Suspension) ① Members who have acquired membership qualifications according to Articles 5, 6, and 7 can use the services provided by the Company using the same ID.
② If the Company intends to terminate, restrict, or suspend a member's membership qualification in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Paragraph 3, the Company shall notify the member or their representative of the reasons, date, and duration of such termination, restriction, or suspension through electronic mail, written notice, or telephone. However, this does not apply in urgent cases where the Company determines it necessary to suspend the member's service usage.
③ If a member or their representative has any objection to the notification of usage restriction received according to paragraph 2, they may file an objection.
④ The Company may temporarily postpone the usage restriction until the confirmation of the objection mentioned in paragraph 3 for a certain period of time and notify the user or their representative of the result.
⑤ If the reasons for usage restriction are resolved during the restriction period, the Company shall immediately lift the usage restriction.
Article 11 (Notification to Members) ① When the Company notifies a member, the notification may be sent to the member's provided email address.
② In the case of notifications to a large number of unspecified members, the Company may post the notification on the service bulletin board or chat room instead of individual notifications.
Chapter 3 Provision and Use of the Service
Article 12 (Content and Use of the Service) ① The content of the services provided by the Company is as follows:
(Service List)
1.Blockchain-based global integrated logistics distribution management Passport service.
2.Any other services provided to members through the Company's own development, cooperation with third parties, or contractual agreements.
② The Company may, if necessary, add or modify the content of the services. In such cases, the Company shall notify the members of the additional or modified content in accordance with Article 11 of these terms and conditions.
Article 13 (Service Fees) The services provided by the Company are generally free of charge. However, separate fees may apply to specific paid information and paid services determined by the Company.
Article 14 (Commencement of the Service) The service shall commence immediately upon the Company's approval of the application for service usage in accordance with Article 7. However, if the service cannot be immediately commenced due to business or technical obstacles of the Company, the Company shall notify the members.
Article 15 (Service Hours) ① The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there are business or technical obstacles, or other exceptional circumstances. However, in cases where equipment inspections or unavoidable circumstances such as equipment failures or overwhelming usage of the service impede service usage, the Company may restrict all or part of the service usage.
② The Company may establish separate service hours for certain services provided and shall notify the members of such service hours in advance.
Article 16 (Provision of Information and Advertisement Placement) ① The Company may provide various information to members through methods such as posting on the service.
② The Company may place advertisements on the service screens, electronic mails, or other means related to the operation of the service.
③ By using the service, members are considered to have agreed to the exposure of advertisements displayed during service usage.
④ The Company shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred by members as a result of their participation, communication, or transactions with advertisers through advertisements posted on the service or promotional activities of advertisers through this service.
Article 17 (Suspension of Service Provision) ① The Company may completely suspend the provision of the service in the following cases:
1.When necessary for equipment maintenance, etc.
2.When a telecommunications service provider suspends the telecommunications service in accordance with the Telecommunications Business Act.
3.When other reasons arise that prevent the Company from providing the service.
4.In cases where there are national emergencies, power outages, equipment failures, or overwhelming usage of the service that impede normal service usage, the Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service.
② In cases where the suspension of service is caused by reasons beyond the Company's control (such as disk failures or system downtime without the intentional or negligent actions of the system administrator) and it is not possible to provide prior notice, the Company shall not be held liable for any responsibilities incurred by members.
Chapter 4 Rights and Obligations Related to the Service
Article 18 (Company's Obligations) ① The Company shall make continuous and stable efforts to provide the service in accordance with these terms and conditions, except for cases specified in Article 15 and Article 17.
② The Company shall maintain and maintain the equipment related to the service in an operational state and make best efforts to promptly repair and restore any failures that occur.
③ If a member's complaint related to the service is received, the Company shall handle it immediately. If immediate handling is not possible, the Company shall notify the member of the reasons and the schedule for handling through the service or electronic mail.
Article 18-2 (Emergency Situations for Security)
① In the event of a serious and urgent program defect, malfunction, or similar incident that requires immediate attention for security reasons, the Company may patch the affected part of the customer's system collectively.
② In cases where there is a serious and urgent security issue, the Company may urgently change the customer's authentication-related information.
③ Before taking emergency measures as stated in paragraphs 1 and 2, the Company must inform the customers through notice or email. If it is difficult to notify the customers due to the urgency of the situation, the Company must still notify them through notice or email after the measures have been taken.
Article 19 (Protection of Personal Information) The Company shall make efforts to protect the personal information of members obtained in connection with the service in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. The protection of members' personal information shall be subject to the relevant laws and regulations and the "Personal Information Protection Policy" established by the Company.
Article 20 (Member's Obligations) ① Members must comply with the relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of these terms and conditions, the usage guide, and cautionary notes notified by the Company, and must not engage in any acts that interfere with the Company's business.
② Members may not engage in any business activities using the service without the prior approval of the Company, and the Company shall not be held responsible for the results of such business activities or the consequences of members' violation of the terms and conditions. If the Company incurs losses due to such business activities, the member shall be liable for damages to the Company.
③ Members may not copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, or provide to third parties any information obtained through the service without the prior approval of the Company.
④ If there are any changes to the information provided in the application for service, members must notify the Company of such changes through the service.
⑤ Members are prohibited from engaging in the following actions related to the use of the service:
1.Unauthorized use of another member's ID.
2.Engaging in criminal activities or acts related to criminal activities.
3.Engaging in acts that harm public decency or other social norms.
4.Defaming or insulting the reputation of others.
5.Infringing upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of others.
6.Collecting or storing personal information of others.
7.Engaging in stalking or harassing others.
8.Engaging in hacking or distributing computer viruses.
9.Continuously sending advertising information or certain content to others against their will.
10.Engaging in advertising, promotional postings, or other profit-seeking activities targeting an unspecified number of people.
11.Engaging in any acts that may disrupt the stable operation of the service.
12.Engaging in acts that violate the relevant laws and regulations.
13.Engaging in any other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company for the operation of the service.
⑥ Except for cases where the Company assumes responsibility under the relevant laws and regulations and the "Personal Information Protection Policy," members are responsible for the management of their ID and password. Members are responsible for any damages caused by negligent management, unauthorized use, or use by third parties of their ID and password.
⑦ If a member discovers that their ID or password has been used improperly, they must immediately report it to the Company. If there are instructions from the Company regarding the situation, the member must comply with them. The member shall bear all responsibilities for the consequences if they fail to comply with this requirement.
Article 21 (Deletion of Posts or Contents) The Company may delete any content, chat room creation, or other content posted or registered by a member within the service without prior notice or consent if it violates the provisions of Article 20 or exceeds the designated posting period by the Company.
Article 22 (Member's Obligations Regarding ID and Password) ① Members must use their ID and password when using the service.
② Members are solely responsible for the management of their ID and password.
③ Members may not allow a third party to use their ID and password.
④ Members are responsible for any damages caused by insufficient management, misuse, or use by third parties of their ID and password.
⑤ If a member becomes aware that their ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the Company. If there are instructions from the Company regarding the situation, the member must comply with them.
Chapter 5 Miscellaneous
Article 23 (Ownership and Restrictions on Copyright) ① The copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the services provided by the Company are owned by the Company.
② Members may not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or use for commercial purposes, or allow third parties to use the information obtained through the service without the prior approval of the Company. (However, this does not apply to personal use by members.)
③ Members are solely responsible for all rights and responsibilities regarding the posts they create. However, for publicly posted content provided to the Company by members, the rights are jointly owned by the Company and the individual.
Article 24 (Prohibition of Transfer) Members may not transfer or donate their rights to use the service, or provide them as collateral to others.
Article 25 (Indemnification) The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred that do not fall under the provisions specified in the Personal Information Protection Policy in relation to the use of free services provided through the service.
Article 26 (Disclaimer) ① The Company does not monitor the contents of member chats. Each member is responsible for the content of their chats. Members are solely responsible for any legal consequences arising from actions that cause harm to others or violate public decency through the use of this service, and the associated ID and related data cannot be protected.
② The Company shall not be held responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or content of the information, data, or facts posted by members on the service. Members use the service at their own risk, and they bear all responsibility for any damages or disadvantages arising from the use of the service, including the posting or transmission of materials.
③ The information and data provided by the Company cannot be used for commercial purposes. Therefore, any transactions based on the information and data provided by this service are solely the responsibility and judgment of the member, and the Company shall not be held responsible for any expected benefits that members may have in relation to the use of the service.
④ Members are solely responsible for the management and use of their IDs and passwords, and bear all responsibility for any damages caused by negligence in management or unauthorized use by third parties.
Article 27 (Resolution of Disputes) ① The Company and members shall make every effort to resolve any disputes arising from the service in a peaceful manner.
② Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, if a lawsuit is filed due to such disputes, the court with jurisdiction over the Company's headquarters shall have jurisdiction over the lawsuit.
[Supplementary Provisions] Article 1 (Effective Date) These terms and conditions shall be effective from December 17, 2020, and shall replace any previous terms and conditions.
Privacy policy
Collection of Personal Information The company collects the following personal information for membership registration, service application, and customer consultation:
1. During Membership Registration <Individual Business>
Application ID, password, name, email address, mobile phone number, business registration number, company name, representative name, business address
<Corporate Business>
Application ID, password, name, email address, mobile phone number, business registration number, company name, representative name, business address
2. During Application for Certain Services During the application process for specific services, some of the personal information listed below may be additionally collected, and the user will be informed and consented at the time of collection.
<Individual or Business Information>
Name, date of birth, corporate registration number, name of representative, business address, mobile phone number, email address
<Contact Person or Administrator Information>
Name, email address, mobile phone number, landline phone number, service-related account information (if necessary for account integration, etc.)
3. During Inquiries, Affiliations, Consulting, and Complaint Handling Name, email address, contact information, test ID/password (if necessary for testing), information stated in proof documents such as business registration certificate (if necessary for identity verification, delegation, etc.)
4. During Refunds Account information (name of transaction bank, account number, name of the account holder)
The following information may be generated and collected during the process of using services or processing business operations:
Service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP address information, payment records, usage suspension records, records of improper use
Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information The company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes:
Member Management Verification of identity, personal identification, prevention of unauthorized and unauthorized use by fraudulent members, confirmation of intention to join, restriction on the number of registrations and membership, verification of legal representative by guardian in the future, record retention for dispute resolution, handling of complaints and notifications
New Service Development, Marketing, and Advertising Development and specialization of new services (products), provision of services and advertisement placement according to demographic characteristics, analysis of access frequency, statistics on member's service usage, delivery of advertising information such as events
Retention and Use Period of Collected Personal Information In principle, once the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the information will be promptly destroyed.
However, the following information will be retained for the specified period for the reasons stated below:
Reasons for Retaining Information According to Company's Internal Policy Even in the case of a member's withdrawal, the company retains member information to prevent smooth service provision and unauthorized use of services as follows:
1. Records of Fraudulent/Improper Use (including personal information of fraudulent/improper users)
Retention purpose: Prevention of fraudulent and improper use of services and prevention of re-registration by fraudulent/improper users
Retention period: 1 year
Reasons for Retaining Information According to Relevant Laws If it is deemed necessary to retain member information under the provisions of the Commercial Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., and other relevant laws, the company will retain the information for a certain period specified by the relevant laws.
In this case, the company will only use the retained information for the purpose of retention, and the retention period is as follows:
1. Records related to contracts or withdrawal of subscriptions
Retention purpose: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
Retention period: 5 years
2. Records of payment and supply of goods and services
Retention purpose: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
Retention period: 5 years
3. Records of customer complaints and dispute resolution
Retention purpose: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
Retention period: 3 years
4. Records of service visits
Retention purpose: Telecommunications Business Act
Retention period: 3 months
5. Books and supporting documents related to all transactions specified by tax laws
Retention purpose: Basic National Tax Act
Retention period: 5 years
6. Records of electronic financial transactions
Retention purpose: Electronic Financial Transactions Act
Retention period: 5 years